BOX SCORES Oakland @ Seattle
Game #: 2082,   (GAME LOG)  , Wednesday, 9/6/2075
 123456789 RHE
Oakland000060011 8112
Seattle000005000 570
T. Perera LF5221010.287429
J. Vargas SS5020012.271954
W. Garcia CF4223111.3093895
R. Hoffman 1B3110201.30729100
A. Ramos 2B4110115.2872571
B. Sanchez DH5000015.2362783
R. Rojo C 4121100.245947
P. Villalpando RF5013024.285737
G. Cruz 3B3100101.262116
Doubles: J. Vargas (27, 6th inning off Creech, 0 on, 1 out.) W. Garcia (31, 9th inning off Nipper, 0 on, 0 out.) P. Villalpando (15, 5th inning off Winer, 3 on, 2 out.)
Homeruns: T. Perera (4, 8th inning off Creech, 0 on, 2 out.) W. Garcia (38, 5th inning off Winer, 2 on, 1 out.)
Runs Batted In: T. Perera (29), W. Garcia 3 (95), R. Rojo (47), P. Villalpando 3 (37)
Team LOB: 9

R. Hoffman (9), G. Cruz (6)
Double Plays: 1 (Cruz-Ramos-Hoffman)
F. Garcia SS3100112.2331352
V. Johnson RF4111020.2891171
A. Aguiar LF4111000.29135105
D. Griffie 2B4123020.26035113
C. Lacoste 1B4010001.3041882
M. Martins C 4000001.2691364
B. Gill CF4000030.247950
R. Border DH4010000.286331
J. Romo 3B3110012.287452
Doubles: J. Romo (21, 6th inning off McKeen, 0 on, 1 out.)
Homeruns: D. Griffie (35, 6th inning off Rosas, 2 on, 1 out.)
Runs Batted In: V. Johnson (71), A. Aguiar (105), D. Griffie 3 (113)
Stolen Bases: V. Johnson (50), A. Aguiar (22), R. Border (15)
Team LOB: 3
M. McKeen W5.154415086574.5513-10
S. Rosas H2.121103130197.70 
M. Vieira H0.1000000321.51 
D. Carneal S10000101362.1731 SV
Batters Faced: M. McKeen 21, S. Rosas 10, M. Vieira 1, D. Carneal 3
Inherited Runners-Scored: S. Rosas 2-2, M. Vieira 1-0
Ground Balls-Fly Balls: M. McKeen 6-5, S. Rosas 3-2, M. Vieira 1-0, D. Carneal 2-0
Game Score: M. McKeen 46
W. Winer L4.2766551106556.374-5
W. Creech 321102137224.22 
S. Nipper 1.121110026132.73 
Wild Pitches: W. Creech
Intentional BB: S. Nipper
Batters Faced: W. Winer 26, W. Creech 11, S. Nipper 7
Inherited Runners-Scored: W. Creech 1-0
Ground Balls-Fly Balls: W. Winer 5-4, W. Creech 4-3, S. Nipper 2-2
Game Score: W. Winer 26
Time: 3:47
Attendance: 10669 (46600, 22.9%) at SAFECO Field
Weather: Clear skies (63 degrees), wind blowing right to left at 19 mph
PLAYER OF THE GAME: William Garcia
Game Notes:
Melvin McKeen was injured while pitching. Theodore Perera hit the longest homer of his career, it went 433 feet.

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