BOX SCORES Detroit @ Kansas City
Game #: 2418,   (GAME LOG)  , Sunday, 10/1/2075
 123456789 RHE
Detroit000201000 371
Kansas City10011102X 691
S. Zajicek RF3000110.2911974
E. Ladson DH4230011.2721377
M. Rankin LF4122002.31734128
A. Sotelo 3B3000112.2502195
T. Guillaume 2B3011021.28926111
B. Forshee 1B4010021.2361032
G. Zielinski SS4000012.188870
V. Cabezas CF3000000.239853
J. Leon C 3000010.213213
Doubles: B. Forshee (12, 9th inning off Wake, 0 on, 2 out.)
Triples: M. Rankin 2 (12, 4th inning off Chapa, 1 on, 0 out, 6th inning off Chapa, 1 on, 0 out.)
Runs Batted In: M. Rankin 2 (128), T. Guillaume (111)
Caught Stealing: T. Guillaume (7)
Sacrifice Flies: T. Guillaume (6)
Team LOB: 3

A. Sotelo (19)
C. Yoon SS5110024.28429104
A. Valdejuli LF3223201.30333125
D. Belliveau RF5011023.2831882
L. Roloff DH3000112.2933196
M. Dougan 2B4110013.2512593
D. Begin 3B3120113.3112180
J. Fermoso 1B3011114.2501387
D. Beardsley C 2101114.2821572
B. Barrios CF4010023.181119
Doubles: C. Yoon (43, 1st inning off Hillyard, 0 on, 0 out.) A. Valdejuli (47, 1st inning off Hillyard, 1 on, 0 out.) D. Belliveau (54, 5th inning off Hillyard, 1 on, 2 out.) D. Begin 2 (21, 2nd inning off Hillyard, 0 on, 0 out, 4th inning off Hillyard, 0 on, 2 out.)
Homeruns: A. Valdejuli (33, 8th inning off Salazar, 1 on, 2 out.)
Runs Batted In: A. Valdejuli 3 (125), D. Belliveau (82), J. Fermoso (87), D. Beardsley (72)
Stolen Bases: C. Yoon (23), M. Dougan (11), J. Fermoso (22)
Sacrifice Flies: D. Beardsley (7)
Team LOB: 9

D. Beardsley (6)
Double Plays: 1 (Begin)
G. Hillyard L5.2844360104623.5818-10
W. Salazar 212235145265.01 
J. Riccardi 0.1000000312.19 
Intentional BB: G. Hillyard
Batters Faced: G. Hillyard 27, W. Salazar 11, J. Riccardi 1
Inherited Runners-Scored: W. Salazar 2-0
Ground Balls-Fly Balls: G. Hillyard 3-7, W. Salazar 1-1, J. Riccardi 1-0
Game Score: G. Hillyard 40
A. Chapa 5.2633120103614.14 
R. Hale W1.200013021123.601-0
J. Ahumada H0.2000010644.50 
B. Wake S110003020113.0744 SV
Batters Faced: A. Chapa 22, R. Hale 6, J. Ahumada 2, B. Wake 4
Inherited Runners-Scored: J. Ahumada 1-0
Ground Balls-Fly Balls: A. Chapa 6-7, R. Hale 1-1, J. Ahumada 1-0, B. Wake 0-0
Game Score: A. Chapa 46
Time: 3:43
Attendance: 40573 (40620, 99.9%) at Kauffman Stadium
Weather: Partly cloudy (55 degrees), wind blowing out to left at 22 mph
PLAYER OF THE GAME: Alfonzo Valdejuli

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