Thursday, 10/26/2075
Wednesday 2/1/2075 :
P Abdiel Alvarez was promoted from A Clearwater Threshers to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
P Greg Meyerson was promoted from A Clearwater Threshers to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
P Donato Alvarado was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
P Frank Brosius was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to A Clearwater Threshers.
P Richard Callahan was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
P Manuel Lera was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
Thursday 3/2/2075 :
P Richard Callahan was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
P Abdiel Alvarez was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to A Clearwater Threshers.
P Manuel Lera was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
P Donato Alvarado was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
Sunday 4/2/2075 :
P Eugene Merlino was put on the 15-Day DL.
P Frank Brosius was promoted from A Clearwater Threshers to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
P Greg Meyerson was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to A Clearwater Threshers.
Trade with Colorado :
We get :
RF Robert Willams
CF Chang Smith
Colorado gets :
P Isidoro Juarez
Free agent Freddie Guasch has been signed to a minor league deal.
Free agent Samuel Bilbao has been signed to a minor league deal.
RF Robert Willams was promoted from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to the active roster.
P Maels Alonso was promoted from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to the active roster.
C Rico Dorado was promoted from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to the active roster.
P Pedro Verde was promoted from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to the active roster.
2B Merle Filkins was promoted from A Clearwater Threshers to AA Reading Phillies.
2B Hector Portillo was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
CF Bill Kittelson was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
2B Alberto Gutierrez was promoted from A Clearwater Threshers to AA Reading Phillies.
2B Timothy Williams was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
2B Cosme Lamas was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
CF Placido Nuņez was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
LF Fred Keown was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
2B Michael Vilardebo was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
Monday 4/3/2075 :
LF Ralph White was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
LF Javier Deherrera was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
Tuesday 4/4/2075 :
CF Frank Gamboa Jr. was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
Wednesday 4/5/2075 :
3B Gerald Guida was promoted from A Clearwater Threshers to AA Reading Phillies.
Saturday 4/8/2075 :
P Kurt Floyd was promoted from A Clearwater Threshers to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
Sunday 4/16/2075 :
2B Cosme Lamas was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
CF Placido Nuņez was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
CF Bill Kittelson was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
P Donato Alvarado was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
2B Alberto Gutierrez was sent down from AA Reading Phillies to A Clearwater Threshers.
RF Burl Campbell was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
P Frank Brosius was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
LF Fred Keown was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
LF Ralph White was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
2B Michael Vilardebo was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
2B Timothy Williams was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
Monday 4/17/2075 :
2B Merle Filkins was sent down from AA Reading Phillies to A Clearwater Threshers.
P Richard Callahan was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
RF Willie McDonald was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
2B Hector Portillo was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
P Manuel Lera was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
Saturday 4/22/2075 :
CF Chang Smith was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
P Kurt Floyd was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
Sunday 4/30/2075 :
P Richard Callahan was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
CF Frank Gamboa Jr. was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
RF Willie McDonald was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
2B Hector Portillo was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
CF Placido Nuņez was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
P Donato Alvarado was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
LF Javier Deherrera was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
2B Alberto Gutierrez was promoted from A Clearwater Threshers to AA Reading Phillies.
P Frank Brosius was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
Monday 5/1/2075 :
RF Burl Campbell was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
2B Michael Vilardebo was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
P Pedro Verde was sent down from the active roster to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
P Eugene Merlino was promoted from to the active roster.
2B Cosme Lamas was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
P Manuel Lera was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
Saturday 5/6/2075 :
P Kurt Floyd was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
Tuesday 5/9/2075 :
2B Merle Filkins was promoted from A Clearwater Threshers to AA Reading Phillies.
2B Timothy Williams was sent down from AA Reading Phillies to A Clearwater Threshers.
Thursday 5/11/2075 :
SS Freddy Marks was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
SS Michael Bristow was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
Friday 5/12/2075 :
SS Cefe Aparicio was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
Sunday 5/14/2075 :
2B Hector Portillo was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to A Clearwater Threshers.
P Donato Alvarado was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
RF Burl Campbell was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
P Frank Brosius was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
Monday 5/15/2075 :
P Richard Callahan was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
2B Cosme Lamas was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
P Manuel Lera was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
Saturday 5/20/2075 :
P Kurt Floyd was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
Tuesday 5/23/2075 :
2B Michael Vilardebo was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
Friday 5/26/2075 :
SS Cefe Aparicio was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
Sunday 5/28/2075 :
2B Merle Filkins was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
P Richard Callahan was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
2B Hector Portillo was promoted from A Clearwater Threshers to AA Reading Phillies.
P Donato Alvarado was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
P Frank Brosius was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
Monday 5/29/2075 :
2B Cosme Lamas was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
P Manuel Lera was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
Tuesday 5/30/2075 :
P Diego Servia was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
Thursday 6/1/2075 :
P Robert Wilson was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
P Chester Munson was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
P Eduardo Caldera was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
3B Jose Jimenez was promoted from A Clearwater Threshers to AA Reading Phillies.
1B Joe Spears was promoted from A Clearwater Threshers to AA Reading Phillies.
2B Gregory Juhl was promoted from A Clearwater Threshers to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
1B Sixto Ortiz was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
CF Placido Nuņez was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
SS Ryan Lor was promoted from A Clearwater Threshers to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
3B Danilo Asencio was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
P Alexander Robards was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
2B Timothy Williams was promoted from A Clearwater Threshers to AA Reading Phillies.
P Greg Meyerson was promoted from A Clearwater Threshers to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
P Wally Bronner was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
Saturday 6/3/2075 :
P Kurt Floyd was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
Monday 6/5/2075 :
P Shawn Dalrymple was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
P Shawn Dalrymple was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
RF Burl Campbell was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
Tuesday 6/6/2075 :
RF Willie McDonald was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
2B Michael Vilardebo was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
Sunday 6/11/2075 :
2B Merle Filkins was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
Thursday 6/15/2075 :
2B Cosme Lamas was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
2B Gregory Juhl was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
CF Placido Nuņez was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
P Alexander Robards was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
P Matthew Whobrey was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
2B Timothy Williams was sent down from AA Reading Phillies to A Clearwater Threshers.
Friday 6/16/2075 :
P Gerald Balog was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
SS Michael Bristow was sent down from AA Reading Phillies to A Clearwater Threshers.
P Wally Bronner was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
SS Cefe Aparicio was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
P Frank Brosius was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
Saturday 6/17/2075 :
P Chester Munson was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
P Kurt Floyd was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
SS Ryan Lor was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
Sunday 6/18/2075 :
P Richard Callahan was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
P Manuel Lera was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
Tuesday 6/20/2075 :
RF Willie McDonald was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
Sunday 6/25/2075 :
2B Michael Vilardebo was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
Wednesday 6/28/2075 :
P Robert Wilson was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
Thursday 6/29/2075 :
2B Merle Filkins was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
RF Burl Campbell was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
P Matthew Whobrey was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
Friday 6/30/2075 :
SS Michael Bristow was promoted from A Clearwater Threshers to AA Reading Phillies.
SS Cefe Aparicio was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
P Frank Brosius was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
Saturday 7/1/2075 :
P Chester Munson was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
P Wally Bronner was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
Sunday 7/2/2075 :
P Richard Callahan was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
P Manuel Lera was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
Wednesday 7/12/2075 :
P Alexander Robards was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
Thursday 7/13/2075 :
P Robert Wilson was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
Friday 7/14/2075 :
SS Ryan Lor was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
Wednesday 7/26/2075 :
P Kurt Floyd was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
P Alexander Robards was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
Thursday 7/27/2075 :
P Wally Bronner was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
Friday 7/28/2075 :
P Frank Brosius was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
Saturday 7/29/2075 :
P Chester Munson was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
Sunday 7/30/2075 :
P Richard Callahan was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
Monday 7/31/2075 :
P Manuel Lera was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
Trade with Washington :
We get :
RF Bill Griffis
Washington gets :
P Diego Servia
P Edward Boyce
Free agent David Logue has been signed to a minor league deal.
P Reginald Johnson was put on the 15-Day DL.
CF Jessie Heintzelman was sent down from the active roster to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
RF Bill Griffis was promoted from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to the active roster.
P John Nielson was promoted from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to the active roster.
Tuesday 8/1/2075 :
LF Fred Keown was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
LF Ralph White was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
Wednesday 8/2/2075 :
RF Willie McDonald was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
Thursday 8/3/2075 :
RF Burl Campbell was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
Thursday 8/10/2075 :
P Wally Bronner was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
Friday 8/11/2075 :
Raymond Bare has been signed to a contract extension, $14,000,000 per year, for 6 years.
Friday 8/11/2075 :
P Frank Brosius was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
Saturday 8/12/2075 :
P Chester Munson was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
Sunday 8/13/2075 :
P Richard Callahan was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
P Manuel Lera was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
Monday 8/14/2075 :
P Gary Thompson was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
P Kurt Floyd was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
Wednesday 8/16/2075 :
RF Willie McDonald was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
Thursday 8/17/2075 :
P Richard Child was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
P Robert Wilson was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
RF Burl Campbell was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
Tuesday 8/22/2075 :
Alex Rivera has been signed to a contract extension, $21,000,000 per year, for 6 years.
Thursday 8/24/2075 :
P Wally Bronner was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
Friday 8/25/2075 :
P Frank Brosius was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
Saturday 8/26/2075 :
P Chester Munson was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
Sunday 8/27/2075 :
P Richard Callahan was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
Monday 8/28/2075 :
P Manuel Lera was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
Thursday 8/31/2075 :
P Robert Wilson was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
Friday 9/1/2075 :
Patrick Jordan has been signed to a contract extension, $7,500,000 per year, for 1 years.
P Reginald Johnson was promoted from to the active roster.
CF Jessie Heintzelman was promoted from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to the active roster.
C David Logue was promoted from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to the active roster.
P James Sellars was promoted from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to the active roster.
Friday 9/8/2075 :
3B Bill Casey was promoted from A Clearwater Threshers to AA Reading Phillies.
3B Jose Jimenez was sent down from AA Reading Phillies to A Clearwater Threshers.
P Frank Brosius was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
Saturday 9/9/2075 :
P Chester Munson was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
3B Danilo Asencio was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
Sunday 9/10/2075 :
P Richard Callahan was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
P Manuel Lera was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
Thursday 9/14/2075 :
P Robert Wilson was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
P Richard Riley was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
Friday 9/22/2075 :
P Frank Brosius was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
Saturday 9/23/2075 :
P Chester Munson was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
3B Danilo Asencio was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
Sunday 9/24/2075 :
P Richard Callahan was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
P Manuel Lera was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to A Clearwater Threshers.
Thursday 9/28/2075 :
P Kurt Floyd was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
Wednesday 10/4/2075 :
CF Jessie Heintzelman was sent down from the active roster to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
C David Logue was sent down from the active roster to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
1B James Bayliss was sent down from the active roster to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
P John Nielson was sent down from the active roster to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
Monday 10/9/2075 :
P Richard Callahan was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
P Frank Brosius was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
Monday 10/16/2075 :
P Chester Munson was promoted from AA Reading Phillies to AAA Scranton Red Barrons.
P Kurt Floyd was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.
Monday 10/23/2075 :
P Frank Brosius was sent down from AAA Scranton Red Barrons to AA Reading Phillies.

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